
General Information

Hello All,

I'm happy to announce after fixing a few items user membership has reopened.

Those of you how have been waiting to create account can now do so.

Thank you for your patience. May your diapers be wet, and your chair be dry.

As some of you may have noticed, we have a new logo :)

Credit for this design goes to wittle Baby Lauren, who was most undoubtedly “Pretty In Pink” when she made this lovely design. Although it took her a couple of tries to not use just only the pink crayon *G* next time hopefully she will remember that not all of us look as good in pink as she does.

Many a nappy did give its life in the quest for the new logo, probably even a pair of ruffled panties, and for their sacrifice we do now have a cute little logo. I hope all of you find it appealing a logo as me and my cohorts have.

Thanks again Lauren! Keep up the good artwork! and remember always ask your mommie for more then just the pink crayon :)

Well, It took a while, but h'm happy to say that DiaperChat has upgraded the backed-end systems with security updates, we have also moved the website itself to a newer, faster, dedicated server.

DiaperChat is poised to expand, were coming up on another holiday season and this is my gift to the visitors, a new system, more secure, and stable.

I can't wait for Christmas with my friends

Please note: I am currently still converting some information, as such much of the items members saw before are still missing, over the next few days the information will be added again.

The chat servers are still up, and have been up, through the entire maintenance window, and the web client will soon be put back on the website after it is converted to run.

Marry Christmas all :)

Well all, its been brought up to me by few that the site logo needs to be redone and I tend to agree with them.

It has been decided that the best way to work on a new logo is to open it up for member contributions.

Those interested in submitting there idea should read on for the guidelines on image submission.

As many people in the past may recall, there was once a site called “When Kids Love Diapers” or WKLD for short.

This site was intended as a support site for those who like wearing diapers, and there family.

We recently contacted the author, and have received permission to provide a copy of it on this server.

Click “Read More” for the URL and more information.

I am sorry about the recent instability that has been present with the site in the last 24 hours.

There are a few errors in the server that keep creeping up periodically, hopefully things will be back to normal soon

Update 8/31: The server appears to be fixed now, all things should be back to normal

As has been planned for sometime now an Instant Messenger client has gone into a state of active development.

While no date has been established for the completion of DiaperChat™ Instant Messenger (DIM™) we have begun selecting a group of users to start testing are program and help with the development of the program.

For more information read on, and please, remember to check back for updates. [poll included in this post]

Well, Just a quick update for all users. With are new server being brought online a few changes have been made to the server.

Those who use the web applet need not worry about this, the changes are already done for you.

Those who use a standard IRC client will need to adjust your connection to be as follows: with a port of 7000

Thank you
DiaperChat™ Webmaster

A new site theme has been created for users to enjoy. It's a variant of the primary site theme and is called "In-Hiding" that will, as time grows, take into account any new suggestions on how to make the fact that this is a AB-TB-DL related site less obvious for those who are still in the "diaper pail" as it were.

Comments welcomed on this theme, or suggestions on other things that could help users have a better time here.


The reviews are comming in!, Be first to write your review of your favorate diaper! Be it cloth or dispoables!

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