Well All,
It is the end of the 4th of July.
As I look back upon this weekend I smile. It is the 4th of July. Independence day in the US. A day where many babies such as myself come out to play.
Funny is it not? It is a day to celebrate independence yet here we crinkle. No longer independent but rather dependent on our 'parents' to take care of us. Such is the life of a baby is it not?
I hope every one had a safe holiday and that tomorrow will bring no bad new of any our brothers and sisters haven fallen. Like every other holiday in the states. Today was a day to relax and be happy, yet it is also a day to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.
To all those babies,caretakers,diaper lovers, and general curios at heart happy 4th of July! Remember when faced with fear and trepidation to stand up for what you believe in. Countries, all countries, not just the USA, are built upon the beliefs and the ambitions of its people and while a belief may be small right now, in 10 years who knows where it will go.
Oh and remember. We all had a few more bottles to drink today then normal, so change into an extra thick diaper tonight so that your bed/crib be dry in the morning :)