A new site theme has been created for users to enjoy. It's a variant of the primary site theme and is called "In-Hiding" that will, as time grows, take into account any new suggestions on how to make the fact that this is a AB-TB-DL related site less obvious for those who are still in the "diaper pail" as it were.

Comments welcomed on this theme, or suggestions on other things that could help users have a better time here.

Co-Founder DiaperChat.com


Re: New Theme

A sub note for all interested.

This morning, May 12 at 02:30 A.M. PDT, I added an additional update to the theme.

The new change is rather small but will create a noticeable difference in different area's of the site.

This update changes (dynamic, not user written versions of the words) the site title of "The Diaper Chat Network" into a simple set of words "DCNet”

Again, where the content is dynamically created by the server the text will be changed, areas like the forum, and private messages, or any other item where a users or an admin personally typed it in will keep the words as typed no changes.

A question now arises in my mind, does any one wish for a general site wide changing of terms when using this theme, in other words the changing of certain words into other less obvious words (“diaper” to “absorbent underwear” or just plain “underwear” for example.)

Hopefully this change is helpful to visitors, any further comments are welcomed and will be considered for implementation into the site.

My thanks go out to those who talked to me on the chat server about things being too obvious, thanks for provoking these changes.

Co-Founder DCNet