Server work this weekend

We will be working on the server this weekend.

Some portions of the site may be intermittently unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


What is this about?

umm can i ask, i mean the website slogan is where diaper wearers come to play
you mean like a Bola88 fetish a big grown up man or woman wear diaper and act like a baby?
or does every woman who is a mother come to chat and talk about their baby

windows 8.1

i cant get into the chatroom it is saying i need to set my java at high security does anyone else have this issue.

the patch download for diaperchat doesn't work for me

ive tried to use diaperchat with the patch on my laptop, but without any luck; nothing at all happens with it, and it doesn't really download or do anything for me; all ive got is a message telling me that it downloaded correctly, or something to that end, but when i try to access the chat again, i still don't get a thing. plus, i can't get the Java to respond on diaperchat, and it says ive had something blocked or some program has blocked Java from working correctly, which i thought the patch was going, or at least trying to fix; also, to boot, i can't get Java to download at all to my 2DS at all, while i thought it might, and that was how i was going to chat here; as it stands now, i'll come here on my 2DS & post, but sadly not chat until its fixed; can anyone help me here with this please? :)


same thing is happening to me, my boyfriend says its being blocked because the sight is unstable, hackers have put stuff all over it.
Ive been trying for 3 days to fix it but with no luck
this happened a year ago too.
because you have to accept java to run this manually and theirs no host, its east for hackers to take over the sight and get into your computer,
all details you have on your computer they will get and they put a virus on your computer that adds more virouses
sadly when this happened ages ago i ignored the warnings and went on and my laptop get messed up.
i got over 1000 different problems because of this idk how to fix it sorry
XOXO from LittleFox


I don't know about this

I don't know about this problem just i am joined this so i don'w that what i to do and not to do